Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My First Blog Award

Thanks to Michelle, recently Shouted Out for being majorly inspirational to me, I've just received my first blog award. 

I'm so honored and thankful to Michelle for adding her voice to my blog let alone giving me an award.  Plus, I need to thank you because you gave me something to post about so that I can keep up with Allan's dare! 

For those of you who don't know, blog awards come with certain rules. I don't know much about them, being a new blogger myself but they all seem to have a pay-it-forward quality.  So, here are the rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.

2. Share seven things about yourself.

3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs.

4. Let your nominees know about the award.
7 Things About Me:
1. I'm going to make some true confessions and take this opportunity to free myself from the shackles of obesity shame. When I started my weight lose journey six months ago I wore a size 28-30 pants and 4x men's shirt and was nearing 400 pounds. Whew!
2. I'm the youngest of four children: 3 girls and 1 boy
3.  I live with my parents and my son.
4. I miss my older sister who moved to Cleveland several years ago but who is moving back this way next month!
5. I'm glad that Andy Reid, the coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, made Mike Vick starting quarterback. He's just fun to watch.
6. I'm pissed that my boobs and ass are deflating faster than the rest of me:-)  So is my boyfriend!
7. I'm thankful to Mama Brandi at Mamaknowsitall for being my bloggy-god-mother, dressing me up and sending me to the bloggerball!
I've recently added some blogs to my list but I need to think about #3 a bit more.  I'll complete 3 & 4 and post tomorrow. 
You guys can't see me right now but the flowers are beautiful and the tiara is the blingiest of bling.  Thanks again, Michelle.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Awesome Ridi Bidi! Even though you should've called me and told me about it!

  2. Congratulations on your award and your weight loss. i read a few bloggers that you might be interested in who are on the same journey.

    Prior Fat Girl and Eternal Lizdom. You should check them out. They are great!

  3. You are very deserving of this award. Plus, like the comment above, you will meet other bloggers who will cheer you on! BTW: I think it is great to share your before stats with all of us. It is very therapeutic!
